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Minecraft.Print() (minecraftprint.com)
93 points by lostbit on July 28, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

They should really find some better examples other than 3D models that were just imported into Minecraft... why bother? Why not just print the original 3D models? Show me a 3D printing of someone's original Minecraft lair that they would be proud of.

The companion cube was selected because cubes are often used to test a 3d printer (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:477) while the enterprise was selected to test whether the script was capable of handling something on a rather large scale with high complexity.

Now that the tests are out of the way, it's time to print the lairs and cities of which you speak.

I wonder if it can even print a "mostly concave" shape like a Minecraft lair.

If it can print redstone, then it can print a 8bit CPU

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