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It’s almost as if the risk of fruit pests is greater coming from a country that does not share a border (or hemisphere).

The Asian longhorn beetle is one such pest that is thought to have come to the US through shipping containers and is one of the reasons for strict shipping regulations. I knew nothing of it until the forestry service came knocking on my door informing me of an infestation near where I live and asking permission to test my trees. I like my habitat the way it is, and I'd like it to continue to be healthy.

Yeah we have a similar problem where I live with giant hornets. They came here through shipping and now I suspect we’ll never be rid of them. Himalayan Blackberry also comes from a farmer importing plants to grow without considering that birds would distribute the seeds. It’s so pernicious here that you have to patrol your property for it and remove it monthly. New shoots can sickly take over an area. One shoot I saw had climbed 30 feet into the canopy of one of our red cedar trees.

Agricultural exports are very dangerous if not handled carefully.

Well, take for example how US treats Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Sanitary restrictions are up there against one type of fruit pests, but Malaysia, being an ex-British colony, has it much easier.

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