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Radi 0.6.2 released (my free HTML5 content creation app) (radiapp.com)
3 points by pavlov on July 27, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I've been busy updating my Radi app (for Mac) over the past few weeks. There was some interest on HN in this app when I put out the first version some 7 months ago, so I thought I'd keep everyone up to date on the progress...

Radi is a native Mac app that can create HTML5 compatible animations and videos. It's got keyframing, visual effects, a JavaScript editor for seamless Canvas graphics programming... You can also freely mix canvas and video elements on the same timeline (e.g. to annotate a video with canvas-drawn vector graphics).

And yeah, it kind of looks like Flash. I'm not sure if that's a positive or not ;)

The site is: http://radiapp.com

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