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Digital Vegan Book (digitalvegan.net)
4 points by pacifika on Aug 11, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I’m currently reading this book and the author attempts to expose the control structures exerted by big tech on individuals, and the effects on people’s rights and lives. It pulls together a few subjects often discussed separately such as right to repair, limiting choice, surveillance etc.

Thought it would be worth sharing wider

Looks interesting:

> A Digital Vegan takes care of their mental health, privacy and dignity by making better technology choices. The devices, apps and media we consume can have negative effects on us and others. Badly designed gadgets and services from Big-Tech monopolies damage our environment and society. How do we avoid contributing to toxic e-waste, surveillance, and inequality?

Name seems misleading? Not sure how this relates to veganism...

(of a person) Committed to avoiding any product or practice that inherently involves animal use

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