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Hey HN! We are Stan and Ricky from ContraForce (https://www.contraforce.com). ContraForce is a cybersecurity platform that simplifies the integration of your security tools, security analytics, and incident response workflow in one place. How Rippling made HR a simple one stop shop for your HR needs, we are aiming to do the same for IT and security teams.

The current problem in the cybersecurity industry is that there are too many solutions that don’t work cohesively with each other to share security alert information. This causes months of implementation time, and to effectively to understand how to detect threats requires knowledge of specific query languages. It’s why the cybersecurity consulting and service market will reach over $72B globally this year. It currently takes on average 280 days for a breach to be contained and a company to be brought back to a normal healthy state. Our platform looks to reduce the need of security engineering, and other expense security experts in order to help companies reduce alert noise by 90% and reduce the time to remediate to minutes.

We have over 20 years of experience in the cybersecurity space. Working with thousands of customers, we saw they struggled with successful implementation consistently and lacked effective measures to detect most threats and to pivot to stopping the spread of an attack in their environments quickly. We are on a mission to democratize security operations for any size company, and we believe we can up-level even IT operators to become skilled security talent. We look forward to your feedback!

>We are on a mission to democratize security operations for any size company

What does this mean?

They are Cloudflare to your Akamai. S3 to your GFS. Instagram/TikTok/YouTube to your media production houses.

Blue ocean to your red. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Ocean_Strategy

This is a good way to look at it. From our perspective, we are at a tipping point in the cybersecurity industry were AI/ML is becoming the core strategy of many businesses. Also services providers and enterprise companies can only afford a full SOC in house. Some of the most expensive areas of a SOC include engineering, data scientist, and architectures. There are analyst in that equation, but we believe we can up-level IT operators to bridge the skillset gap in security.

We believe our solution can bring these components together into one single platform, so even a small business can utilize security operations even on a a smaller budget.

> We believe our solution can bring these components together into one single platform, so even a small business can utilize security operations even on a a smaller budget.

Yes, please. As someone who also operates in the democratize (consumer) security space, hope you folks achieve your goals.

How do you plan to use AI/ML? Last time I was looking into applying AI/ML cybersecurity I could not get access to any open source datasets for training the ML model. How do you see overcoming this problem?

Happy to take this offline if you'd like to chat further.

sure. I'm at mediratta at gmail.

This looks really nice. Would like to see how you grow, I have some questions for you, what would be best way to contact you?

Thank you! We would be happy to answer any questions you have. Please send an email to info@contraforce.com an we will be happy to help.

Congratulations on the launch.

How this is different from similar solutions - XSOAR from Palo Alto Networks, Securonix SOAR or Splunk Phantom?

Why should a vendor to choose you over existing and trusted security service provider?

Thank you!

In regards to the vendor solutions you mentioned. While those are all strong solutions as a stand alone product, they must be bought separately and integrated together to gain the maximum value out of end to end threat detection and response.

Splunk as a standalone analytics problem still requires engineering talent to increase the efficacy of detection of malicious activity, and then you have to purchase Phantom (SOAR) separately at an expensive cost to benefit from automated incident remediation workflows. This leads to lengthy implementation cycles, and post sales management that can rival the license cost itself. Also there is the component of human error when it comes to creating the detection logic and response logic necessary with consultants doing the work on the behalf of the customer.

We actually have MSPs and MSSPs leveraging our platform to deliver security services for their customers. We take the Managed Security Service component off of their plate, and they hire only security analyst to drive their monitoring and response as a service. Some customers will want a full suite of services that could be out of our scope, but if a customer is looking to gain insights and a simple to operate security operations platform then ContraForce would be a great fit! Lastly, the cost typically associated per User/month for MSSPs are quite expensive. This makes it a costly check-box for many companies and they have to hope that the MSSP has amazing engineering talent to not miss malicious activity in their environment.

There's always room for one more and perhaps another existing security vendor will buy them to complete their enterprise offering etc...

I'd like to know more about your target user base. For example, would your product be a good fit for a small, bootstrapped SaaS provider?

Yes! It would be a great fit. We understand that small companies are strapped the most for resources. With that in mind, we wanted to ensure we could provide day zero security for those who are just getting started.

I would be happy to chat further. We do provide a trial and can get any small business started.

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