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This is brilliant.

This is absolutely a painpoint for me and other individuals that prefer to hold as much of their assets as possible in the market. The amount held over in checking for day to day transactions feels like little more than "cash drag" once you have enough saved that you can weather a market downturn. Right now I do expense tracking and budgeting largely so I can figure out how much balance I should keep in my checking account, then transfer the rest to investing. Combining the accounts like you propose would save me substantial time and missed market returns.

A problem you may run into in targeting bogleheads is that they like to see that you're well established before committing their life savings. Putting a substantial amount of money in a non-FDIC insured financial institution without a track record could be a non-starter. Advertising on your landing page that you base your services on top of Fidelity might lower that perception of risk.

Thanks for the positive feedback :)

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