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2020 Olympic Medals per Capita (medalspercapita.com)
5 points by pmcollins on Aug 8, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Tiny countries with very low medal counts could be considered flukes, but not New Zealand with 20 medals and a population of 4.8M. That's one olympic medal per ~240k people. (btw I'm not from NZ :)

They dominate at a very large team sport. If you take out rugby I think the numbers will be quite bad.

There’s a meme about the United States that though we are often portrayed as fat and stupid, we do seem to win a large number of international science and sports prizes in absolute terms. This table is a good reminder that a lot of the US’ strength comes from its large population and its relative performance is not as impressive as Netherlands or Canada on many measures.

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