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Here's a fun one:

> "Employees said Suleyman encouraged them to use private chat groups on Signal and Telegram for work conversations, some of which were set up to automatically delete messages after a set period. Employees were also on occasion asked to delete messages from their phones, a former employee said. They were also told to notify the group once they had done so."

The burden of proof is on the claimant, sure. But if your boss forces you to delete the evidence, the stakes are that much higher.

Google makes all employees do this, for whatever it's worth. I think this may just be kinda standard for corporate stuff. (Not telegram, but the self destructing messages)

I think the odd bit here is the encouragement to use messaging systems out of the employer's control for work stuff.

It's not kind of standard. Are you mad?

That seems odd for corporate communications at a publicly traded company.

then google is suspect

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