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Did I get promoted when I got that new title?

- If I make more money, it is a promotion. If I didn't, it is a demotion.

- If the number of reports increases, it is a promotion. If it decreases, it is a demotion.

- If I have more areas reporting to me, it is a promotion. If I have fewer areas, then it is a demotion.

- If I have greenfield projects under my direction, it is a promotion. If I have maintenance projects, it is a demotion.

> If I have greenfield projects under my direction, it is a promotion. If I have maintenance projects, it is a demotion.

This one's particularly dubious. Maintenance is important. Depending on your industry, it may be the most important thing.

I didn’t say it wasn’t important. It is important. I was trying to say that there is a tendency in the tech industry to value new projects over maintenance. And this list was partly in jest.

Sidegrade career moves exist.


What if some of those apply but not all? For example, I make more money than I used to but have fewer people below me. Have I been promoted or not?

+1 for each positive and -1 for each negative, maximum score of 4, minimum score of -4, 0 is sideways, salary must be compared against industry salaries… so if industry average rises and yours didn’t rise as much, that is a demotion

This is kind of in jest and just a rough measure. Like if your salary went up 100x this doesn’t capture that. Positive and negative measures tend to be correlated though (I suspect that this looks more like 3 bell curves instead of one). Would be wonderful there was an industry database of this to invalidate or validate guesses.

Extremely bad indicators

- Having no reports

- No longer presenting in company meetings

- No longer being invited to meetings where decisions are made

- Bad seating location

Extremely positive indicators

- In regular staff meetings

- Introduced to VIP guests

- Sit near CEO

Against, this is partly in jest, Dilbert style Just some things I have noticed…

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