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>> Multiple people said Suleyman would sometimes scream at employees in group meetings and one-on-ones.

This is the behavior you're excusing? If my boss screamed at me, I would tell them to fuck off. I'm shocked you think this is OK behavior, especially from a Google executive.

People are human which means we sometimes lose our cool, but it also means, hey I'm a human so don't fucking scream at me.

If that is the worse accusation we’re hearing from an entirely 1 sided story - that’s pretty mellow. I’ve seen people accuse some of ‘screaming at them’, when they literally never raised their voice and just disagreed with them firmly in a meeting

Absolutely. It's possible to be firm/assertive while being polite. Not called "screaming". Even "screaming" is very low on the scale of "abuse".

Exactly - tell him to fuck off. Don't start a media campaign against his career. Tell him to fuck off directly. The "snowflake" aspect here is people not standing up for themselves, but calling on "society" to provide them with perfect bosses.

There was also a time where (regardless of if it were acceptable when they were a startup) this would be considered unacceptable at Google.

Not anymore, I guess.

"If my boss screamed at me, I would tell them to ** off"

The irony.

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