I'm totally aware climate won't have time to deteriorate enough for my lifetime, but for me it's like a duty to minimize my environment footprint, I'm really close to nature, I eat foraged fruits (figs! currently) and not polluting (bike, local food, minimal consumption/buying) is like a nature bro-code that I can't break. Picking up plastics wastes is one of my ways to thank nature for its food, I know it sounds maybe "spiritual" for you, but it's really my mentality, and I live right inside a place of over-consumption (French code d'azur), so I'm a bit like a marginal there, so you're right in sating "almost no one will care", but I hope more people will see the point for such a lifestyle (healthy, simple, happy, and environment-scalable)
There are many ways to eat more or less local food, via producers. If you take France for example, it could easily be self-sufficient in fruits/vegetables (currenly it's not because of how they destroyed the beautiful old agriculture (orchards, permacultures) to grow intensive monocultures of corn and things for industrial derived products instead (they are less efficient by yield/surface, and much more demanding in resources, more polluting, creates more erosion, kill life in the soil,..). Eating mostly plant-based food is definitely scalable https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets