It's only a matter of time. A building is planned, the step-by-step orchestration is QA'ed by a qualified engineer, and a set of robots go to work to build a whole building. Construction jobs will be phased out.
Also, in the movie Runaway - which actually predicted police areal drones as well, almost 30 years ago (but the concept of a drone did not exist yet, so it was called a "floater").
It's only a matter of time. A building is planned, the step-by-step orchestration is QA'ed by a qualified engineer, and a set of robots go to work to build a whole building. Construction jobs will be phased out.
Also, in the movie Runaway - which actually predicted police areal drones as well, almost 30 years ago (but the concept of a drone did not exist yet, so it was called a "floater").