Looking at how they handle Google, for example they show base|annual stock|signing bonus.
So when you see 130K base + 33K stock, that was a grant of 130K vesting over 4 years. And then with signing and annual bonus of ~20K, that person is in fact making 200K starting (although the median is probably a bit lower for a completely new employee).
On the other hand, people often forget about refreshes when looking at these things. And while a refresh grant won't be as large as the initial grant, they do make the overall comp significantly larger.
Looking at how they handle Google, for example they show base|annual stock|signing bonus.
So when you see 130K base + 33K stock, that was a grant of 130K vesting over 4 years. And then with signing and annual bonus of ~20K, that person is in fact making 200K starting (although the median is probably a bit lower for a completely new employee).
On the other hand, people often forget about refreshes when looking at these things. And while a refresh grant won't be as large as the initial grant, they do make the overall comp significantly larger.