The council should approve it otherwise part of some regulation (code?); it's 'illegal' and the apartment can not be sold (council just won't allow sale). This mean the person needs to pay for council-approved inspectors, lawyers, etc.
/Had unfortunate experience with getting a house and finding 'illegal' additions
This is Russia. You don't want to be disabled or handicapped as there is absolutely no infrastructure to support special needs people. State simply does not care about handicapped people, and handicapped people are happy to return the favour.
While that is unspeakably cool, I am somewhat disheartened by the number of commenters there saying it's "destruction of property", a hazard to others, etc.
When I see these comments on HN I usually expect to see 80% of the commenters 'booing the guy off stage.' More often than not there are maybe 2 or 3 comments that represent what is referred to the 'the number of comments/commenters' with other commenters also going 'wtf' to these people.
Is it really that 'disheartening' that in any crowd there will be at least a few people with differing opinions?
Also note that while the one guy rails against it as destruction of property, he also rails against the building designers and the council for not improving the situation. His comment could be summed up as, "there were poor choices made all around."
I'm not in a wheelchair but I do have a disability. I'm also terrified of heights. There is no freakin' way I could be lifted up on the outside of a building like that.
Twelve thumbs down to the lame folks who failed to install an elevator. Props to this guy.
I probably would have moved out as well. Who knows what it's like to look for housing there though, let alone finding one that says they will install a lift for you. If that building/location was truly a spot worth waiting for, the person on the first floor should have just switched him apartments. I don't think I even would have though to ask if they would install a lift, does that kind of request usually get fulfilled here in the US?
Looks like a garage-style 2D hoist. If I lived anywhere near Russia, I would bring him a couple relays and an RF remote so that he could run it himself.
A friend of mine used to say i live in a building for disabled people. This is because my building has ONLY ramps and no stairs, also very handy for taking the bike.
Since the public space in the building is open, no windows :) the rain also wipes the floor clean.
/Had unfortunate experience with getting a house and finding 'illegal' additions