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Some of the things they miss in the post are Cloudflare uses a customised version or Nginx, same with Fastly for Varnish (don't know about Netlify and ATS)

Out of the box nginx doesn't support HTTP/2 prioritisation so building a CDN with nginx doesn’t mean you're going ti be delivering as good service as Cloudflare

Another major challenge with CDNs is peering and private backhaul, if you're not pushing major traffic then your customers aren't going to get the best peering with other carriers / ISPs…

HTTP/2 prioritization is a lot of hype for a theoretical feature that yields little real world performance. When a client is rendering a page, it knows what it needs in what order to minimize blocking. The server doesn't.

Yes, which is why the browser send priorities with the requests but many servers ignore these and just server responses in what ever order suits them.

If a low priority response is served before a high priority one the page is likely to be slower to render etc.

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