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That's pretty cool. GReader does leave a lot to be desired... I imported my feeds and here are a few initial thoughts (I realize this is a weekend project but it is a huge want of mine):

+ I prefer to see the RSS text before I see the original site. Easier reading (no nav or ads) and I'll click through if the content catches my interest. So it would be nice if I clicked the feed tab that tab would stay selected as I browsed my other feeds (rather than switching back to the default original tab)

+ I use folders in GReader to group my feeds. I have a ton of feeds and a lot of them are not updated often. One of my favorite features of GReader is the ability to click on a folder and see that folder's feed. Saves a ton of individual feed reading and the folder mark as read is a time saver (I read the headlines and don't want to read the individual topics)

+ I need better marked as read (a button). The context menu is nice but requires two clicks (give me a hot key).

+ The config icons in the bottom sidebar get lost behind chrome's stupid appearing status bar making it frustrating to use these when the feed is loading.

+ Minor - I'd like to see the feed list above the site or rss txt body (more like a email client) Is there a way to configure the layout of the panes?

In all this is pretty exciting!

Yup, everything's already there, just a bit disguised:

* Feed before original site? No problem, set Feed as the default in Preferences. Also, if you like one view or another, it saves per-site.

* To read all stories in a folder, just click the River of News icon next to the folder. It's exactly the same. You can also right-click the folder (or click the little arrow) and mark the folder as read.

* Plenty of Keyboard Shortcuts. Type `?`

* I'm working on more customization of the interface as we speak. You'll be able to move panes around, change sort order, etc.

okay this just got a lot better.

I don't see a mark folder as read shortcut (did I miss it). I can context click on the river of news icon, but I'd love a button (and shortcut) next to the "Next Unread" in the dividing bar. I wouldn't text an icon button would do to save space (maybe a preference shut off text in toolbars)

real nice.

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