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It's another offshoot of the "growth at all costs!" mentality you see in Wall Street and governments.

What do you think pays for your healthcare, public pensions, infrastructure as your population ages out of the workforce?

The Grenadier Guards?

We've seen an immense growth of productivity since the 1970s in the US, with stagnant wages. Perhaps it's time some of that goes into the issues you mentioned instead of wealthy pockets?

But with a declining population that’s declining GDP and with an aging population fewer working so less taxes.

How does it work again?

Increased per-worker productivity, automation, and a realignment of goals from lining pockets to contributing to society.

As long as gov spending per capita is not near or above income (ie, responsible fiscal policy) and you don't over-inflate, there's no reason you can't support all this with declining population.

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