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This is how you deal with an existential threat to USD.

What? USD is already the dominant stablecoin. The US should be jumping for joy that they will remain the universal fiat even through the blockchain age.

When Uniswap removed a bunch of coins from their front end, guess what they removed? sAUD, sEUR... but not sUSD. Very interesting don't you think?

> When Uniswap removed a bunch of coins from their front end

I invite everyone to clone/fork (i've removed the google analytics stuff and emptied the black lists and made uniswap-info use the hashrouter):

https://github.com/cinquemb/uniswap-info/ (deployed at https://cinquemb.github.io/uniswap-info)


https://github.com/cinquemb/uniswap-interface (deployed at https://cinquemb.github.io/uniswap-interface)

To deploy yourselves you can (on gh, you can also run it locally):

yarn install

yarn build

mkdir dist

cd dist/

cp -R ../build/* .

git add -A

git commit -m "GH pages"

git push -f git@github.com:[your account]/uniswap-info.git master:gh-pages

3. Tether

7. USD Coin

10. Binance USD

Crypto seems rather reliant on USD. The crypto narratives are always so flimsy.

Projects bringing USD's value - namely globally credible & low-volatility price denomination - into crypto doesn't mean crypto is 'reliant on' USD.

Ha! I hadn't seen this particular paranoia-mixed-with-delusions-of-grandiosity for a while. In the first year or so of Bitcoin, the community was absolutely obsessed with the idea that "the Fed's" will come for them, to protect the mighty dollar. They were also certain they could withstand such efforts, since their fancy tech operated outside the reaches of the law.

They were wrong on both counts: "the establishment" didn't react with aggressive attempts to shut them down, but really just some mild interest mixed with a bit of amusement.

Only when, after a decade+, it had been proven beyond any doubt that the technology isn't useful for anything anyone cares about, and when it became more salient that the energy usage and the scale of fraud were growing out of control did they start pushing back. And with every single startup in the sector operating within the confines of law and the existing financial markets, there is absolutely no doubt that the law can regulate and/or shut down the industry within any reasonable meaning of the term.

Yeah, they can but they won’t. They’ll institutionalize everything you hate so much about the crypto markets today, and force you to invest in it by destroying your savings account, your house, and your 401k. Centralized fake crypto is the next big population-level banking scam.

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