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Amortized cost on the update cycle of Pixel was pretty similar to iPhone(at least in some parts of the world). But I am glad that they are doing longer updates.

I just wish batteries become replaceable again, my phone is 3.5 years old and the only thing that is noticeably worse is battery life. If we are gunning for longer update cycles, batteries should ideally be replaceable. I sincerely hope some big country takes up this as an environmentally friendly/right to repair thing and forces all manufacturers to do this.

If you factor in the resale value of a 2 year old iPhone and a 2 year old Pixel, I doubt this is true. And one of the biggest reasons for the high depreciation is the loss of software updates...

Yeah, that's definitely true.

I think more than software updates, iPhone has an aspirational value in many parts of the world so there is good demand from people who can't buy a new one. Pixel in itself doesn't hold that value and there are manufacturers who will have an Android phone with Pixel's specs in half the price of Pixel within a year of its launch.

It's not as convenient as a user replaceable battery, but most phones have batteries that are replaceable by repair shows cheaply.

Weirdly my 3.5 year old phone actually has about the same battery life as it started with. As android 3.5 years ago was terrible at battery management, so software updates have compensated for battery degradation.

But all those replacements seem to be with someone pulling apart the phone's components secured with glue. It looks extremely risky and likely to cause damage to phone or components like display ended up getting scratched.

Also, are original spec batteries available easily? I don't want to put something which is not the same as it might cause some battery related accident.

I think the repair shops tend to have specialised tools for dealing with this. Things like suction cups to pull the screens off with.

OLED dispalys are very sensitive for pressure. But isolropyl alcohol helps a lot with detatching anythig glued.

I replaced battery in my smartphone from 2018 last week. Works perfect. It is not that difficult. Look on few guides on YouTube and you'll be fine. Be carefull with battery detatch. Usually it is glued by tape, but isopropyl alcohol helps a lot.

Agreed - I'm still on a Pixel 2 and the phone is running great except the battery life. I have to charge it twice a day now.

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