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It's a bad deal, marketed to ppl who either cannot do math or afford larger quantities

Do you buy your toilet paper by the palette direct from the manufacturer?

Everybody trades off the unit size, handling costs and cash flow when buying goods.

Absolutely. When I do my grocery shopping, I occasionally think about how I could get a better deal on something at Costco, but I either don’t have the space or wouldn’t eat it fast enough.

The “they’re paying more per-unit because they’re buying smaller packages” crowd seems to realize this, but they think that the size packages they buy are the correct size, and anybody buying something smaller is being exploited.

Always bought ours from Costco in fairly large units, even when we lived in a smaller apartment.

I wish I could have bought a pallet of toilet paper in early 2020.

Not really. I use dollar stores for junk stuff. I'll finish a bag of Oreos in a day, regardless of how much stuff is in it. If it's cheaper and smaller proportionally, whatever.

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