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More like the following:

Newton discovered that F = ma, and that acceleration was the amount of speed gained per second. When he said this people were all like "man, if we could only find a vacuum we could take a small amount of mass and a large amount of force and move something faster than the speed of light!" (Which they semi knew due to some sort of cosmological event.) But Einstein came by and said "hold up, Newton is right for slow moving things, but as you approach C most of the force goes into increasing the mass of the object."

Imagine it goes the other way, in a few years some guy says "Einstein was right, but he didn't take into account the fact that we can effect the Plank constant within a certain radius of an horizon-tangle-event, so we can actually build something that will change the relative size of space around us and effectively move faster than the speed of light."

And back and forth all day.

You are of course referring to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive

Which does not actually break Einsteins limit, although it does work like a Star Trek warp-drive. Of course the energy requirements are virtually impossible to satisfy in addition to all of the other problems.

> Of course the energy requirements are virtually impossible to satisfy in addition to all of the other problems.

That's what they used to say about powered flight ;)

Perhaps, but you are comparing Jupiters to raisins.

Interesting. I was just pulling a random counter explanation out of my derriere, but of course it has been already thought of before.

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