The two are not mutually exclusive. Clojure has namespaced keywords and specs[0] to cover that. (There is also the third-party malli, which takes a slightly different appproach.)
The advantage is that maps are extensible. So, you can have middleware that e.g. checks authentication and authorization, adds keys to the map, that later code can check it directly. Namespacing guarantees nobody stomps on anyone else's feet. Spec/malli and friends tell you what to expect at those keys. You can sort of do the same thing in some other programming languages, but generally you're missing one of 1) typechecking 2) namespacing 3) convenience.
The advantage is that maps are extensible. So, you can have middleware that e.g. checks authentication and authorization, adds keys to the map, that later code can check it directly. Namespacing guarantees nobody stomps on anyone else's feet. Spec/malli and friends tell you what to expect at those keys. You can sort of do the same thing in some other programming languages, but generally you're missing one of 1) typechecking 2) namespacing 3) convenience.
[0]: spec-ulation keynote from a few years ago does a good job explaining the tradeoffs;