Every ~3 weeks I print a ~3 week calendar with just 'one word' goals for that day. Double sided. If a project can't be subdivided I just repeat it. M-F of this week was just "Stripe Integration"
All of this is just to make sure my trajectory is generally correct.
Then, on Sunday I print out a weekly calendar broken out by hours, ~7a-11pm. Not because I intend on working that whole block (yikes), but so that at the end of the week I can see where my time actually went.
I start each day with an hour of something that has absolutely nothing to do with work or coding. The last two months I've been learning Ableton, and I make myself generate a song snippet every morning. It can be crappy, it just has to be done. Turns out, that time adds up (WHO KNEW) and now I'm pretty decent at Ableton. Before that I spent time on a (rented) piano. If I save it for the end of the day I never do it or I'm too tired to enjoy it, so why give my 'joy/curiosity' the crappiest version of myself?
Then the next ~4-5 hours I dedicate to mentally engaging tasks. "Hard" attention heavy work. 25 minute blocks w/5 minute breaks to stretch, email, text, drink water etc. After each block I write on the hourly calendar what I worked on, both to keep myself focused, but also so that I have a sense of having done -something- besides grind endlessly.
By then it's ~1-2pm. I take a 20m coffee nap (most days) and then give myself the freedom to consider my workday done (if I want), or if I wanna work more, the next ~4-6 hours I do the boring brainless stuff. Minor bugs. UX tweaks. Email templates. Blah blah. A lot of this time ends up being "eaten up" talking to users, but that's fine.
Then at the end of the day I take a glance at my hours and see how I felt about it, and write down, on the back of my Monthly/Sprint calendar what my day actually ended up being about.
I've been a solopreneur and founder of a bootstrapped startup for 8 years. I reached 20k MRR this summer.
The sentence "It's a marathon not a sprint" suits well my schedule and mentality.
For the first 6 years of my bootstrapped startup I used to work 6-12 hours each day. (when I became dad 2 years ago it became harder to work few hours on the weekend though).
I used to work every day, also during the weekend.
That's because I'm most efficient just after waking up, both in the morning and in the afternoon after a 30 minutes power nap.
You might not be efficient in the morning but in general I recommend everyone to find out when it's the time of day when they are most efficient and work that time every day. Better to work less hours but working every day during the golden hours.
It's important that you love to do your daily work. In my case is coding, I love coding.
If you don't love the core work necessary for your startup to succeed you will not be able to keep at it for several years.
I recommend always sleeping those 7-9 hours per night that make you feel full rested.
There is no point in overworking now if you will be tired or burnout later.
If you are single and able to move, I recommend becoming a digital nomad and living in cheap/nice places.
You can move to Thailand or Colombia or Portugal and pay less for rent and food and fun and all the savings will allow you a longer time to work on your startup.
That said, even if you have more time you shouldn't waste it.
Try to earn money from your project as soon as possible. In general it will take you 3-10 more times than expected to earn your first dollar. So if you have savings for 1 year you should do plan to earn your first dollar in 1-3 months.
I always met a ton of people. This is easier if you go to cities with big digital nomad/expat/erasmus communities. I used to research the social life of a city in advance by checking Facebook groups like "Digital Nomads Chiang Mai" or "Lisbon Expats" and meetups on meetup.com
If you want generic ideas for cities you can see http://nomadlist.com/ but you still need to research it. Depending on your continent the easiest places to start digital nomading are like Lisbon/Barcelona/Budapest/Chaing Mai/Bali/Medellin.
There is a ton more and you will discover them after talking with digital nomads about their previous trips.
waiterio.com an order management system for restaurants. Started as a mobile app 8 years ago and shifted to SaaS 5 years ago.
For bootstrapped solopreneur I recommend making products for piers like marketers/developers/sales/tech. Having non-tech savvy restaurateurs as customers has been an uphill battle I would probably not do again.
Just to let you know that when I tried your website from my current country (UAE), it showed price units in the lowest denomination rather than in the standard denomination. It would be like quoting 49 cents per month instead of $49.
Thank you @fakedang, we support pricing in several dozens currencies with Stripe and some have not been tested much. I think we only ever had 1-3 paying restaurants from UAE.
Would you like to consult and/or help me improving our marketing to UAE? Please write me an email to info AT waiterio DOT com
what were the challenges you had with non-tech savvy customers?
on the other hand, aren't tech savvy customers harder to sell to? they are much more selective in what they are buying because they can figure out things themselves. it would have to be something that they don't want to do that they would be willing to pay for.
We implemented a very prominent badge "No internet connection" when the device is in airplane mode because users were complaining "The app doesn't work" when they had placed the device in airplane-mode.
Still to this day we receive several support tickets a year from users that forgot their password and never went through a forgot password process on another website.
yes on the tech-savvy VS non-tech savvy I think there are pros and cons. Of course it also depends on the amount of solutions available to the users.
I might be suffering from the "the grass is always greener on the other side"
I've been a solo-founder for the past 12 years (currently: https://divjoy.com). I use a kanban board in Notion and work about 4-6 productive hours a day on average. Some days it's 2, some days it's 12, but I don't force myself to a super strict schedule because that has led to burnout in the past.
I try to take a day off every week, but often it's random based on whether friends/wife want to do something fun on a given day.
The only exception is if I'm leading up to a big product launch and need to grind through that "last 10%". In that case switching into hyper planning mode seems to help me a lot. AMA!
I was doing some contract work on the side while building the MVP, but switched to full-time right after launching it. I wouldn't necessarily recommend that though.. basically burnt through all my savings over 4 months. Right as I was starting too look for more contract work I ended up winning a $15k grant from YC [0] which bridged the gap until I got to profitability. Now at around $6k - $10k/m (not recurring, so it varies).
I left my job recently, which has allowed me to launch and work on Plotapi (https://plotapi.com) full-time.
I was spending 16+ hours a day on the project up until the launch. I organised myself with a local Gitea (https://gitea.com) installation and creating issues that I assigned to myself. I started off using Kanban within Gitea too, but as it was just me, I ended up preferring to use issues directly. Each day was focussed on making progress on the current issue!
I only launched Plotapi 3 days ago, so time will tell how I end up planning the days/weeks!
I am not from a dataviz background but I do have a question around the decision to use Gitea (other than self-hosted) . Would it be a better use of your time to use something like GitHub or was there something Gitea offers that is so valuable?
Gitea was quite easy to set up, I just had to run the executable from my local server and I was up and running! I've recently become more concerned with hosting my data off-premises, so I use this local Gitea instance when something doesn't need to be public-facing.
I was pleasantly surprised with an unforeseen advantage - speed! I have a few Unity projects that can be on the larger side, but pushing/pulling to them is quick in comparison to GitHub.
I've been a solo founder with a full-time job for almost 4 years now (currently working on https://onlineornot.com).
My schedule has been pretty much the same over that time: I keep a trello board with backlog/TODO/in progress/done columns, and I try to work around 2 hours each day.
My best hours are in the morning, though I also exercise 3 times a week, so my work schedule is normally:
A few months after launch (the MVP), I made some adjustments and below is a rough outline of my schedule
1) Reserve Saturday mornings for writing up articles that I intend to publish on the blog. I might not publish the article then or maybe even soon, but writing the article helps me document whatever issue I came across, worked on, learnt during the week. For example, I recently changed the layout of the landing page and needed a way to do some quick and dirty A/B testing. I have just spent this Saturday morning documenting what I did.
2) Mon - Fri:
Mornings - Use Twitter to find chatter related to my product & niche. Respond/interact with this traffic. Also generally learn stuff about startups/business/technology. I discovered that I have gotten more interaction/leads from responding to others on Twitter than from directly tweeting stuff
Evenings - I already have a roadmap so I try to put in a few hours working systematically through the roadmap.
"Solopreneur" for 2 years now: in quotation marks as I have kept my job on the side, effectively not working full-time on it.
Prior to covid times, I would usually work 4 to 8 hours every weekend, with longer stretches of time during vacation).
The week days would be my full-time job only.
During covid times I was able to claim back some of the commuting time (just like many of us on HN, I was lucky to be able to work from home, and double lucky to have a designated home office) which allowed me to add roughly 1h every day.
As for now, I switched job and I am now working remotely – which allows me to keep the covid schedule: a couple of hours every week day (before starting working, I'm an early riser) and bigger chunks during the weekends.
In the repo, I have a markdown file with bugs and tasks. I update it everyday and reprioritize it ~biweekly. I start the day with the most difficult task, and when I'm tired I just review, refactor, or do minor tunings.
I'd say that having different desks helps. Sometimes I just park somewhere to write or code in a sketchbook.
All of this is just to make sure my trajectory is generally correct.
WEEKLY Then, on Sunday I print out a weekly calendar broken out by hours, ~7a-11pm. Not because I intend on working that whole block (yikes), but so that at the end of the week I can see where my time actually went.
DAILY I start each day with an hour of something that has absolutely nothing to do with work or coding. The last two months I've been learning Ableton, and I make myself generate a song snippet every morning. It can be crappy, it just has to be done. Turns out, that time adds up (WHO KNEW) and now I'm pretty decent at Ableton. Before that I spent time on a (rented) piano. If I save it for the end of the day I never do it or I'm too tired to enjoy it, so why give my 'joy/curiosity' the crappiest version of myself?
Then the next ~4-5 hours I dedicate to mentally engaging tasks. "Hard" attention heavy work. 25 minute blocks w/5 minute breaks to stretch, email, text, drink water etc. After each block I write on the hourly calendar what I worked on, both to keep myself focused, but also so that I have a sense of having done -something- besides grind endlessly.
By then it's ~1-2pm. I take a 20m coffee nap (most days) and then give myself the freedom to consider my workday done (if I want), or if I wanna work more, the next ~4-6 hours I do the boring brainless stuff. Minor bugs. UX tweaks. Email templates. Blah blah. A lot of this time ends up being "eaten up" talking to users, but that's fine.
Then at the end of the day I take a glance at my hours and see how I felt about it, and write down, on the back of my Monthly/Sprint calendar what my day actually ended up being about.