A lot of companies have scrum-masters but practice something other than scrum (agile). They also may be called agile-leads, but in my experience they are identical roles.
The way I have seen the role these days is Agile coach, who teaches the principles of lean and agile as needed and helps teams diagnose problems they are too close to to solve, which is a valuable service. There’s usually one per few hundred people at a company, rather than one per five or so for the scrum master.
I had job where we had an agile coach. First job at of college.. I thought it was the dumbest thing ever and pointless. Then they fire the person and replaced them. It was a complete 180. The new person was so good at just coming in sitting down and just listening. Then give some quick advice and things to try. Then leave and then follow back up after a bit and check in. Not everything they suggested worked. But it was extremely helpful.