I have some sincere questions. Can you elaborate on what you mean by polarization as a service? Is this unique to NYT or can the same be said of other media? Does that include social media (where people like to say polarizing echo chambers form)? Are you referring to the article's argument that ad tech promotes click bait which is polarizing? Where do you get your news?
"...unique to NYT"? Not unique to them but they seem to be one of the worst cases, in part because of how far they've fallen but also they seem to be an extreme case.
"include social media"? FB and Twitter definitely also have echo chambers, but they don't really pretend to be otherwise, whereas news sources should be.
"Where do you get your news?" The email newsletter 1440 seems to do a decent job of curating; even if the sources they use are polarized, they are picking out the more informative ones for me so I don't have to dredge through a bunch of ideological preaching.
Every single one of their links is behind a redirection service. It's possibly their own service. But that's not a whole lot of difference. It's kind of ironic that you suggested this in a thread about invasive targeting.
This also precludes me from evaluating the quality of their sources - at least not without clicking through a buttload of redirects. F that. I'll assume they've got something to hide.