> If you think the most able individuals are creating and running the largest organizations, and know whats best for those organizations, why would you want the state to allocate those resources upon death of the individual?
To prevent the formation of feudalistic aristocracies. There's no difference between empowering bloodlines drawn from wealth or monarchy. You're still going to end up with incredibly corrupt and incompetent people running the show because they didn't earn their position -- they were born into it.
If you actually believe in meritocracy, why do you want to pass on your wealth to your children? If you do that, they won't be able to demonstrate their "individual ability or achievement."
> There's no difference between empowering bloodlines drawn from wealth or monarchy
The Walton family can't throw my in prison. In fact, they can't do much of anything to me besides perhaps denying me a Sam's Club membership.
Monarchy and wealthy families are not the same. Hyperboles like this don't serve your case.
If you believe in meritocracy and you pass your company on to your children who are not suited for the role, then they'll fail and lose it all, as is often the case.
I think you need to put a yet on the Walton's throwing you in prison. Extreme wealth inequality tends to distort surrounding institutions as all individuals paychecks become beholden to the wealthy individual.
In company towns the boss could absolutely have you thrown in jail if they felt like it. If Carnegie didn't like someone then the Pinkerton's would happily take care of them.
The only reason we haven't seen modern equivalents to the above scenarios is that the information age has increased competition. But if you already don't feel like you could sue any of the Walton's for any reason and win... then just wait for when their wealth is 10x larger.
To prevent the formation of feudalistic aristocracies. There's no difference between empowering bloodlines drawn from wealth or monarchy. You're still going to end up with incredibly corrupt and incompetent people running the show because they didn't earn their position -- they were born into it.
If you actually believe in meritocracy, why do you want to pass on your wealth to your children? If you do that, they won't be able to demonstrate their "individual ability or achievement."