Lot's of people. Just because you may not care about sports doesnt mean massive amounts of people around the world don't. Several countries will win their first gold this year. That's a national achievement. Several sports will be included for the first time this year. That is a whole set of people who get to see their favorite hobby included in the games. Many new world records will be set which is an example of technology, humans, and science all working together to achieve things thought impossible before.
Many people care about the Olympics for many reasons.
Worth $20 billion though? with what will end up being completely wasted resources/buildings etc by August? No olympic venue has actually done any where near the amount of good and improvement to a city anywhere near the cost.
I'm not a sports person at all but every two years, my wife and I watch tons of Olympics.
It's really weird for us since I probably watch 1 hour of sports per year but during the Olympics (Winter and Summer), we will sit down and watch 3 - 5 hours each day. Sports that we have no interest in outside of the Olympics.