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I see what you mean, but at the same time, back then just getting a working PHP environment up and running was complicated enough - PHP, Apache, MySQL, and you had to get them all working together.

If it was about accessibility, they should have made an easy installer and even offered cheap hosting themselves I think.

As for SQL injection, were prepared statements even a thing back then? Either way they should never have allowed and normalized string concatenation to build up SQL queries.

"just getting a working PHP environment up and running was complicated enough"

Hah, that was one of the biggest strength of PHP stack - it was not complicated; on you MS Windows machine it was enough to install some wammp/xammp, etc. PHP/MySQL/Apache bundle, open editor, put in the first line <? and start coding.

On production, typically some shared hosting (cheap! Another said stack advantage) this was already installed, so it was sufficient to FTP files over there and be done (one more advantage).

There was no other comparable stack in terms on simplicity and being able to do something quickly. I believe there is none today, only PHP stack matured, so there are frameworks, etc.

Yes, there were security concerns, but still much less comparing to its server-side predecessor CGI scripts (better known today as AWS lambdas or "serverless").

Configuring the "plugins" and everything to get PHP working on Apache on Linux can be complicated and annoying if you're not already familiar with the process.

There have existed multiple installer projects for PHP, Apache & MySQL on Windows for two decades.

Mysqli driver was released with PHP 5.0 in 2004, it has prepared statements.

> As for SQL injection, were prepared statements even a thing back then?


yes, prepared statements have been a thing since there were relational databases.

but also, (server side) prepared statements are not required in order to use SQL with bound parameters. the binding can occur just as easily on the client side, and this is in fact quite common. the point is that the programmer is not manually deciding whether or not to escape a parameter on a query-by-query basis, the process is automated.

> As for SQL injection, were prepared statements even a thing back then?

Yes. I was writing prepared statements in Perl before PHP3 was released.

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