Ah, very good, thanks! So yeah, half of the chronically homeless. That's extremely bad news. But let's remember that doing drugs to forget your life has been a mess for a long time is not a lifestyle choice decision.
There's no study on this so we can't be sure how many will say yes, but given a "Finnish opportunity" of free housing if you agree on medical treatment/rehabilitation for the drug problem, free debt debt counseling, and a state-supported employment, I suspect not many would say no to what's essentially a fresh start.
50% actually seems way too low to me, and I wish I had some time and resources to look at their methodology.
The other number that would seriously affect solutions is whether homeless in general travel to cities that better support being homeless or not. That is, how much of the problem is homegrown and how much is just because Seattle, LA, SF have good resources and weather? Because if mobility is an significant option, the better any one city does at solving their homeless problems, the worse their problem will become.
All the studies I’ve seen so far have been really flawed (eg most Seattle homeless living in pioneer square before they became homeless).