One of my favourite things in macOS is how well it handles scaling on 4k displays. I find windows / Linux unusable for any duration >15 minutes when I don’t have glasses on. Things are either not scaled/tiny, or Fischer price large and layouts break everywhere.
You can solve this problem really simply by just getting monitors that are actually large enough to use all the pixels and don't use scaling
What's the point of 4K if you don't use all the pixels?
Full disclosure my eyesight is terrible so maybe the rest of you can tell a difference between a high res screen that's scaled and a low res unscaled screen at the same apparent resolution.. but I can't
Yeah seriously, I for one am gonna have to throw in my hat for scaling. Big pixel isn’t paying me off, I can just tell an absurd discrepancy in the realism of (lol, cartoonish in reality) graphical menus and fonts. Granted you can go too far
Doesn't Mac OS only do integer scaling? Is scaling to 250% or 300% an option? Day-to-day use I keep my Windows 13" laptop with a 3.5K screen at 300% scaling (nice and big), but for certain situations I will bump it down to 250% or 225% when I feel like I need more "space".