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I deleted all my social media accounts in 2008. I'm not here to say "I told you so", because I didn't actually tell anybody anything. Just my choice.

But, here is the one weird trick: If you think something is good, do it. But, if you make up your mind that it's bad, stop doing it. Following that rule would have kept a lot of people off these services.

To my knowledge, nothing people say about social media today is fundamentally different than what they were saying in 2008: it destroys privacy, it destroys discourse, it consumes attention, and it puts control over your life into the hands of corporations. And people recognize this: I can't even count the number of times I've heard someone say (or write) "social media sucks" and then kept right on with it. My only advice is, if you feel like something is bad for you, don't do it.

Spot on.

I stopped using social media because I was sick of having this critic in my brain constantly judging if an experience is worth posting on social media.

Of course this is a huge trade off with not knowing what my elderly neighbor at a cottage I never go to had for lunch.

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