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Faker PHP cancelled because of carbon emissions (marmelab.com)
3 points by salimmahboubi on July 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The carbon emissions reason is just one of multiple the writer gives. They also mention that they don't code in PHP anymore, they had issues handing it off to other maintainers, and the codebase is becoming obsolete with PHP8. It became too much of a hassle.

That being said I am fascinated if developers are seriously considering the environmental footprint of their apps when deciding to maintain them. Is this becoming a thing with other devs?

It's been on my mind with regard to excessive redundant use of continuous integration resources, and similarly during repeat pulls of bulky container images.

That's just my anecdotal experience though, and without supporting data. It'd be nice to see (and expose) more statistical data about energy usage.

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