All I am suggesting is that "hacker" as used by the Ars author could be a company, or backed by a company, and not necessarily a "nation-state". That is not far-fetched at all, IMO. The article makes it sound like "nation-states" are the only folks who could defeat the protection or would even have an interest in doing so. As the comment on the Ars page points out, that is ridiculous.
Assuming "hacker" could be a company what company would have such a motivation and resources to spy on people. The NSO's of the world, sure. Anyone else. Companies have better things to do than spy on people, right. Not anymore.
What about a company whose businesss is personal data mining, who goes so far as to sniff people's residential wifi (they lied about it at first when they got caught), collect audio via a "smart" thermostat (Nest), collect data from an "activity tracker" (FitBit), a "smartphone OS", a search engine, e-mail service, web analytics, etc., etc. Need I go on. I could fill up an entire page with all the different Google acquisitions and ways they are mining people's data.
Why are security keys any different. 9 out of 10 things Google sells or gives away are designed to facilitate data collection, but I guess this is the 1 in 10. "Two-factor authentication" has already been abused by Facebook and Twitter where they were caught using the data for advertising, but I suppose Google is different.
These companies want personal data. With the exception of Apple, they do not stay in business by selling physical products. Collecting data is what they do and they spend enormous amounts of time and effort doing it.
The problem with your neat little model of the world is that it doesn't provide you with actionable predictions. Everything is a massive global conspiracy against you, nothing can be trusted, everybody is in on it, and so you can dismiss everything as just part of the charade, which feels good for a few moments, but still doesn't actually help you make any decisions at all.
> "Two-factor authentication" has already been abused by Facebook and Twitter where they were caught using the data for advertising
Right, I mean, if somebody really wanted to help provide working two factor authentication, they'd have to invent a device that offered phishing-proof authentication, didn't rely on sharing "secrets" that might be stolen by hackers, and all while not giving up any personal information and ensuring the user's identity can't be linked from one site to another. That device would look exactly like the FIDO Security Keys we're talking about... huh.
Actually no, if they weren't really part of a massive conspiracy against o8r3oFTZPE there would be one further thing, instead of only being from Google you could just buy these Security Keys from anybody and they'd work. Oh right.
In what sense is it "more data" ? Did you know you can hook up a CRNG and just get endless streams of such "data" for almost nothing? If "they" just want "more data" they could do that all they like.
Earlier you gave the example of Facebook harvesting people's phone numbers. That's not just data that's information. But a Yubikey doesn't know your phone number, how much you weigh, where you live, what type of beer you drink... no information at all.
The genius thing about the FIDO Security Key design is figuring out how to make "Are you still you?" a question we can answer. Notice that it can't answer a question like "Who is this?". Your Yubikey has no idea that you're o8r3oFTZPE. But it does know it is still itself and it can prove that when prompted to do so.
And you might think, "Aha, but it can track me". Nope. It's a passive object unless activated, and it also doesn't have any coherent identity of its own, so sites can't even compare notes on who enrolled to discover that the same Yubikey was used. Your Yubikey can tell when it's being asked if it is still itself, but it needs a secret to do that and nobody else has the secret. All they can do is ask that narrow question, "Are you still you?".
Which of course is very narrowly the exact authentication problem we wanted to solve.
Who created that "problem we are trying to solve". It wasn't the user.
If the solution to the "problem" is giving increasingly more personal information to a tech company, that's not a great solution, IMO. Arguably, from the user's perspective, it's creating a new problem.
Most users are not going to purchase YubiKeys. It's not a matter of whether I use one, what I am concerned about is what other users are being coaxed into doing.
There are many problems with "authentication methods" but the one I'm referring to is giving escalating amounts of personal information to tech companies, even if it's under the guise "for the purpose of authentication" or argued to be a fair exchange for "free services". Obviously tech companies love "authenticating" users as it signals "real" ad targets.
The "tech" industry is riddled with conflicts of interest. That is a problem they are not even attempting to solve. Perhaps regulation is going to solve it for them.
> Who created that "problem we are trying to solve". It wasn't the user.
Sure it was, if you didn't want this problem you'd be fine with remaining anonymous and receiving only services that can be granted anonymously. I understand reading Hacker News doesn't require an account, and yet you've got one and are writing replies. So yes, you created the problem.
Now, Hacker News went with 1970s "password" authentication. Maybe you're good at memorising a separate long random password for each site, and so this doesn't really leak any information it's just data. Lots of users seem to provide the names of pets, favourite sports teams, cultural icons, it's a bit of a mish-mash but certainly information of a sort.
In contrast, even though you keep insisting otherwise, Security Keys don't give "escalating amounts of personal information to tech companies" but instead no information at all, just that useful answer to the question, "Are you still you?".
I think you misunderstood. I am not insisting anything about security keys (physical tokens) requiring escalating amounts of personal information. I am referring to "two-factor authentication" as it is promoted by "tech" companies (give us your mobile number so you can use our website or "increase your security"). Call me a tinfoil hat if you like, but I am skeptical,^1 when the "solution" to "the problem of authentication" is giving ever-increasing amounts of information to Big Tech.
Regardless of intent, it seems very much in the spirit of trying to solve a complex problem by adding more complexity, a common theme I see in "tech".
There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea of "multi-factor authentication" (as I recall some customer-facing organisations were using physical tokens long before "Web 2.0") however in practice this concept is being (ab)used by web-based "tech" companies whose businesses rely on mining personal data. The fortuitous result for them being intake of more data/information relating to the lives of users, the obvious examples being email addresses and mobile phone numbers.
1. This is not an issue I came up with in a vacuum. It is shared by others. I once heard an "expert" interviewed on the subject of privacy describe exactly this issue.
"In contrast, even though you keep insisting otherwise, Security Keys don't give "escalating amounts of personal information to tech companies" but instead no information at all, just that useful answer to the question, "Are you still you?"."
No, I am responding to the above assertion that I have insisted security keys give esacalating amounts of personal information to "tech" companies.
This is incorrect. Most users do not have physical security tokens. But "tech" companies promote authentication without using physical tokens: 2FA using a mobile number.
What I am "insisting" is that "two-factor authentication" as promoted by tech campanies ("give us your mobile number because ...") has resulted in giving increasing amounts of personal information to tech companies. It has been misused; Facebook and Twitter were both caught using phone numbers for advertising purposes. There was recently a massive leak of something like 550 million Facebook accounts, many including telephone numbers. How many of those numbers were submitted to Facebook under the belief they were needed for "authentication" and "security". I am also suggesting that this "multi-factor authentication" could potentially increase to more than two factors. Thus, users would be giving increasing amounts of personal information to "tech" companies "for the purposes of authentication". That creates additional risk and, as we have seen, the information has in fact been misused. This is not an idea I came up with; others have stated it publicly.
Whilst you're clearly much more comfortable with your "Facebook are bad" line, the problem is that this isn't the thread about how Facebook are good actually, this thread was about your completely bogus claim about Security Keys:
> This ignores the possibility that the company selling the solution could itself easily defeat the solution.
I'm sure you really are worried about how "Facebook are bad", and you feel like you need to insert that into many conversations about other things, but "Facebook are bad" is irrelevant here.
You made a bogus claim about Security Keys. These bogus claims help to validate people's feeling that they're helpless and, eh, they might as well put up with "Facebook are bad" because evidently there isn't anything they can really do about it.
So your problem is, which is more important, to take every opportunity to surface the message you care about "Facebook are bad" in contexts where it wasn't actually relevant, or to accept that hey, actually you're wrong about a lot of things, and some of those things actually reduce the threat from Facebook ? I can't help you make that choice.
A key part of various such tamper-resistant devices is an embedded secret that's very difficult/expensive to extract. However, the manufacturer (i.e. "the company selling the soution) may know the embedded secret without extracting it. Because of that, trust in the solution provider is essential even if it's just simple math.
For a practical illustration, see the 2011 attack on RSA (the company) that allowed attackers access to secret values used in generating RSA's SecurID tokens (essentially, cheap devices that do mathematics) allowing them to potentially clone previously issued tokens. Here's one article about the case -
That's true. Yubico provide a way to just pick a new random number. Because these are typically just AES keys, just "picking a random number" is good enough, it's not going to "pick wrong".
If you worry about this attack you definitely should perform a reset after purchasing the device. This is labelled "reset" because it invalidates all your credentials, the credentials you enrolled depend on that secret, and so if you pick a random new secret obviously those credentials stop working. So, it won't make sense to do this randomly while owning it, but doing it once when you buy the device can't hurt anything.
However, although I agree it would be possible for an adversary who makes keys to just remember all the factory set secrets inside them, I will note an important practical difference from RSA SecurID:
For SecurID those are actually shared secrets. It's morally equivalent to TOTP. To authenticate you, the other party needs to know the secret which is baked inside your SecurID. So RSA's rationale was that if they remember the secret they can help their customers (the corporation that ordered 5000 SecurID dongles, I still have some laying around) when they invariably manage to lose their copy of that secret.
Whereas for a FIDO token, that secret is not shared. Each key needs a secret, but nobody else has a legitimate purpose for knowing it. So whereas RSA were arguably just foolish for keeping these keys, they had a reason - if you found out that say, Yubico kept the secrets that's a red flag, they have no reason to do that except malevolence.
How do you imagine this would work?
The "solution" here is just a cheap device that does mathematics. It's very clever mathematics but it's just mathematics.
I think you're imagining a lot of moving parts to the "solution" that don't exist.