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This is infuriating. This is why I always comment when I see people talking about KC on HN (guess what? There is a lot. I won't do the research but I'm almost sure that this is the most frequent pathologie people here talk about. Lots of computers, lots of concentration, lots of eye dryness,lots of eye rubbing).

There is more and more evidence to support the fact that KC is purely induced by eye rubbing.

Don't rub your eyes !

Can you point to some of the most relevant/recent research?

Yes, of course. A simple Pubmed query will bring a lot of occurrences : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Keratoconus+eye+rubbin...

For a complete argumentation and discussion about the case for the role of eye rubbing in keratoconus genesis, please look at this website : https://defeatkeratoconus.com/

(Disclaimer: I work closely with one of the main proponent of the eye rubbing hypothesis. However, please believe that I don't have any conflict of interest in this topic. I don't have anything to gain in raising awareness about this problem, except feeling that I'm doing something right)

Much appreciated! I certainly question it from personal experience, but I'm very interested to know more.

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