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>Please then tell me what is the one true religion? :)

I dunno. I'm inclined towards none of the ones I know a little about being true since they really like to ask you to 'trust me bro, feel it in your heart' instead of just giving you good reasons to believe them.

Newton gave us far better arguments for universal gravitation than most people do for their religions, and he was ultimately wrong/incomplete.

>Humans are not logical systems.

Yes, that is a bug in the humanity system. Generally we try to diminish its effects when truth-judging (or maybe probable-truth-approximation-judging if you care about your epistemology). Recognizing this bug is useful to try and diminish its effect.

>Yes, that is a bug in the humanity system.

So the urge for flying to the moon is a bug? Climb a Mountain?

It depends on your utility function, of course. Will flying to the moon or climbing a mountain bring you closer to the things you value?

The urge is a bug if it doesn't match the things you value. The urge is not a bug if it matches the things you value.

With some fat margin for uncertainty around 'matching the things you value' because that's hard to quantify.

Utility functions can have 'axiomatic values' in them. Not everything you value is deduced from underlying principles.

Try cocaine (saying this could be deleted by Google if it hosted this message)

And see for yourself whether we humans have bugs.

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