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She was trying to force her way into a chamber where she and the rest of the mob intended to do harm to elected politicians, and disrupt US democratic process.

That’s not really murder. And no, the rest of the world did not look on in horror at the BLM protests. They looked in horror at what caused them.

> And no, the rest of the world did not look on in horror at the BLM protests. They looked in horror at what caused them.

Speak for yourself - I am part of the world that looked on in horror at the media's sanction of open violence against the people by a violent minority.

Speak for yourself. The rest of the world mostly did not look, because the American media refused to objectively cover those protests.

I only know about it but following local independent outlets in Portland.

Speak for yourself. You didn't have family threatened by the BLM riots, nor property damage - all egged on by both the media and the left.

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