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> you can't really do much if a majority of people believe an untruth

Treat the propaganda campaign like the war it is - and arrest those who are serving as foreign actors for treason.

The earlier people are finally willing to admit Russia and China are waging a war against the whole Western world, the better.

The big multipliers - #45, Alex Jones, Fox News, Newsmax, OANN - are publicly known, as are most of the people spreading the stuff on FB, and can be taken down. No need to resolve to a surveillance state, just public information is enough.

> admit Russia and China are waging a war against the whole Western world

To what end? What is their motivation? They’re evil cartoon villains and hate our freedom? What’s their gain?

Their motivation is self preservation. Western democracies make it pretty clear that they do not support the existence of brutal dictatorships. Thus brutal dictatorships are motivated to act in ways that can weaken the western democracies.

> What’s their gain?

For Russia? Being able to rebuild the Soviet Union. Just look at Crimea, or read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics which is essentially a playbook of what Putin has done.

For China? World domination for Han Chinese, nothing less. They are taking over entire countries by "debt relief" aka loan sharking, and leaders who don't want their "investments" simply have their assets taken away by force like the Philippines.

Both can only follow through with their plans if there is no united opposition against them. Europe is falling apart on a national level with nationalist, often Russia-backed anti-democrats spreading discontent and hate, and the US is collapsing in ethnic and class war.

But if you're going down that route then why should other western governments not treat the US as a threat too? There's extensive spying going on by the US against them and there's plenty of American propaganda too. Should Europe ban Hollywood movies? Arrest American businessmen for spying? Where does it end?

> The earlier people are finally willing to admit Russia and China are waging a war against the whole Western world, the better.

Hasn't the USA been aggressively exporting its values and memes (ie. Engaging in cultural warfare) for almost a century now?

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