I ran Steam on Centos. You had to do some conversion to get the Steam app into an RPM format (or use one of the relases that did it for you). I've messed with it on Centos, Ubuntu, and even played with SteamOS.
Last time I did this with Centos 8 and the AMD proprietary drivers, it looked like this
tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-19.50-967956-rhel-8.1.tar.xz
cd amdgpu-pro-19.50-967956-rhel-8.1/
./amdgpu-pro-install -y
Mind you, you don't need the AMD propriety drivers. I'm also still trying to figure out what my long term home will be for my workstation once Centos 8 becomes Centos Streams.... so will be seeing if Rocky or one of the others becomes my long term home.
Last time I did this with Centos 8 and the AMD proprietary drivers, it looked like this
sudo yum update -y (reboot)
sudo yum install -y kernel-headers-`uname -r` kernel-devel-`uname -r`
sudo dnf -y install --nogpgcheck https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.... https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/rpmfusion-free-relea... https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/el/rpmfusion-nonfree...
sudo dnf config-manager --enable PowerTools sudo yum -y install dkms sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=https://negativo17.org/repos/fedora-steam.repo sudo dnf -y install steam kernel-modules-extra libva-intel-driver
( https://www.amd.com/en/support, grabbing the RX580 driver)
tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-19.50-967956-rhel-8.1.tar.xz cd amdgpu-pro-19.50-967956-rhel-8.1/ ./amdgpu-pro-install -y
Mind you, you don't need the AMD propriety drivers. I'm also still trying to figure out what my long term home will be for my workstation once Centos 8 becomes Centos Streams.... so will be seeing if Rocky or one of the others becomes my long term home.