You really just need to follow one good Twitter account and they will usually retweet other people who are interesting and usually share a characteristic that led you to followed the original account.
Or be judicious about who you give attention to. Over the last couple of years, I’ve made a concerted effort to follow smart people who I don’t agree with. Sometimes this has proven that I’m wrong and other times, it’s made me feel more secure in my own beliefs.
There’s a difference between smart and toxic. Some smart people are toxic. Others are smart and passionate. If you work to follow people like that and work harder to read their words with an open mind, great things can happen.
I don’t follow anyone on Twitter I agree with on most issues.
However I don’t think your concern here is unfounded but in my personal experience the bigger issue is on the surface non political or non biased organizations or “content creators” who’s bias is very similar to that which the viewer shares.