It basically pipes a fifo into netcat, and pipes the output of netcat to an HTTP parsing script, which calls router and model "methods" (which use Bash's built-in "namespacing") which runs the Bash templating language esh and pipes the the HTTP response back into the fifo.
Ha! Yeah, it's totally not done yet, but yes, certainly intended as a piece of insanity. With all seriousness, of course. The model layer still needs a good deal of work, and I think it might be fun to write up some tutorials or something :)
Just looked over the source. This package is unkempt and extremely hairy in some places. I'd advise using Occam's razor over the whole thing, or at least running trim and tidy on the main parts.
Shell is my favorite programming language these days. For systems programming there's really no way to get terser or more accurate programs with a scripting language. Once they work, my shell scripts are essentially side effect free.
That said, I use it for true pipelines. An MVC framework sounds insane. But I already learned some new Bash tricks from reading the code so keep up the madness!
This one is a real MVC framework with scaffolding, written almost exclusively in batch scripts (IIRC they had to cheat a bit for the server code). All user code is also batch files.
The site contains a few gems, like:
In DoD we embrace the NoSQL movement and jump straight to the data-store of the future: a CSV file.
Does it scale?
So far I haven't run into any performance problems. Whenever I've opened up a DoD website to several users, my hard drive tends to get wiped long before I discover performance issues.