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Not declarative, but Perl can do something like that.


  $ perl -ne '($name,$pass,$uid,$gid,$therest)=split(/:/);print "$name $gid\n"' /etc/passwd
  root 0
  daemon 1
  bin 2
Fixed width:

  $ printf "1234XY\n5678AB" | perl -ne '($f1,$f2)=unpack("a4 a2");print "$f2 $f1\n"'
  XY 1234
  AB 5678
I believe Rexx's parse is fancier still, but this is reasonably close.

You might want to look into what the following cli options do for you:

perl -F':' -anE 'say $F[0]'

That is indeed good. I used a bit of Perl a few years back but it has slipped out of my mind.

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