I've read the Mail vom J. Lilies with interest. It reflects to some
degree similar issues I've encountered. Banning the OP because of this
mail is insane. It gives hints on that Filipe Coelho is disliked also by
others, because of several actions and deficiencies.
So that's why I ask you David Runge to undo the ban. The OP is not the
core of the problem. By removing OP, you remove symptoms only."
"OMG, so silly.
I've read the Mail vom J. Lilies with interest. It reflects to some degree similar issues I've encountered. Banning the OP because of this mail is insane. It gives hints on that Filipe Coelho is disliked also by others, because of several actions and deficiencies.
So that's why I ask you David Runge to undo the ban. The OP is not the core of the problem. By removing OP, you remove symptoms only."