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I work with many brilliant engineers who have been in Google for 5-10 years and are at L4. The pay is good enough if you don't have a large family to support and they simply can't be arsed to play that game.

Complaining at a high level. People with 3 kids make do with jobs at Walmart and McD.

"Pay is good enough" yeah sure.

> People with 3 kids make do with jobs at Walmart and McD.

Very difficult in the Bay Area given the housing costs. I guess it's possible if you lucked into a below market rate apartment and qualify for government assistance like Medicaid and food stamps.

You are saying that all Walmarts and McDs in the Bay Area are staffed with people who have a 3 hour commute?

'BAY AREA LEADS NATION IN COMMUTERS TRAVELING AT LEAST 3 HOURS EVERY DAY, STUDY SAYS' https://abc7news.com/super-commuters-bay-area-traffic-3-hour...

Yes I'm sorry to tell you that this area is much much worse in term of human respect than you think.

How much more is “good enough” when you’re already in the top 1% of the world?

You're top 1% in the world working in a SF McDonald. You're in the top 1% in the US when you're about L7-8 in Google, according to https://www.investopedia.com/personal-finance/how-much-incom... and levels.fyi.

McD SF is paying you $35k[0]. For 2018 figures: «A $35,000 income in the United States has enough buying power to put you in the 82nd percentile globally for per-person income. Within the United States, your income falls around the 20th percentile.»[1]

0: https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Mcdonalds-Crew-Salary-...

1: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/business/global...

Your source is paywalled, but it's in line with my intuition. It doesn't state the global percentile in absolute money, does it?

If you look at age adjusted percentiles, 1% income is much lower than $750K/yr. 30 yr olds making $350k/ are 1%ers, and when they reach 40 or 50 they have substantial investment gains bolstering their compensation.

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