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Reverse Engineer the BL602 WiFi Driver (lupyuen.github.io)
190 points by zdw on July 7, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 42 comments

Since it was not obvious from the title/article, the BL602 is in the Pinecone, and Pine64 put out a contest to make a fully open Wifi/BLuetooth stack for the BL602:


More info, from the same author:



This is another interesting example of the "convenience" of centralisation of source code control around a single website: github.com.

The author seemingly never has to search competing source code control websites or hardware manufacturer websites. Most everything he references is found on github.com

Pine64 required all nutcracker entries to use github.com

Is it worth pondering that a company founded on the idea of not releasing source code to software users, instead copyrighting it and enforcing copyright through the courts and law enforcement, as a means for selling software (licenses), is now in control of accesss to all this open, freely avaialble source code.

It is worth pondering, in my opinion. Maybe if we had a more fundamental high-level way to handle pull requests, permissions, and some other peripheral features that Github offers, we would find ourselves centralizing less. Git is great, but often on its own it's not enough anymore.

If only we could search the whole web of hypertexts through a single unified interface……there shall be a text box to type in a query, a Search button, and a colorful logo on top……

github search is hit and miss

https://github.com/aimnas/ja2-1.13-source-mirror/search?q=br... finds 12 occurrences (should be 17), somehow misses https://github.com/aimnas/ja2-1.13-source-mirror/blob/master...

I stopped relying on it after this discovery :/

Isn't this scary?

The BL602 is a relatively new SoC, so here is some more information taken from the producer's homepage (https://www.bouffalolab.com/bl602).

Wireless (Tier-1 RF Performance)

    Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
    Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.0
    Wi-Fi Fast connection with BLE assistance
    Wi-Fi and BLE coexistence
    Wi-Fi Security WPS/WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPA3
    STA, SoftAP and sniffer modes
    Multi-Cloud connectivity
    2.4 GHz RF transceiver
    Integrated RF balun, PA/LNA
Microcontroller Subsystem

    32-bit RISC CPU with FPU
    L1 cache
    RTC timer up to One year
    Two 32b general purpose timers
    Four DMA channels
    Dynamic Frequency from 1MHz to 192MHz
    JTAG development support
    XIP QSPI flash support

    276KB SRAM
    128KB ROM
    1Kb eFuse
    Embedded Flash (Optional)
Security (Complete Security features)

    Secure boot
    Secure debug
    XIP QSPI On-The-Fly AES Decryption (OTFAD)
    AES 128/192/256
    TRNG (True Random Number Generator)
    PKA (Public Key Accelerator)

    SDIO 2.0 slave (AP-Host)
    SPI master/slave
    Two UART
    I2C master/slave
    Five PWM channels
    10-bit general DAC
    12-bit general ADC
    Two general analog comparators
    PIR (Passive Infra-Red) detection
    IR remote HW accelerator
    Flexible 16 GPIOs (BL602) / 23 GPIOs (BL604)
Power Modes (Ultra-low Power modes)

    Power Down Sleep (flexible)

    Support XTAL 24/26/32/38.4/40MHz
    Support XTAL 32/32.768KHz
    Internal RC 32KHz & 32MHz oscillator
    Internal System PLL
Package Type

    32 pin QFN (BL602)
    40 pin QFN (BL604)

Will it be a competitor to... Raspberry Pi? ESP32? STM32? Teensy?

It's a very similar niche to the ESP32.

I recently got a smart LED strip controller to put Tasmota on and found a BL602 instead of an ESP32. This chip has been a drop in replacement with the intention of lowering cost and potentially protecting against trade dispute chip issues with the US govt.

How fast are the ADCs?

This is confusing to me:

"How does BL602 compare with ESP32?

BL602 is a General Purpose Microcontroller that supports Bluetooth LE and WiFi

ESP32 is more of a Bluetooth LE + WiFi Controller that supports Embedded Programs"

The microcontroller in an ESP32 isn't second class or anything, and seems "general purpose" to me. So I'm confused as to what point is being made.

It does seem to be the same sentence worded slightly different. I’m curious to what the actual distinction is as well.

A difference important to some is that it is RISC-V instead of ARM. [Edit: I Am Wrong!]

ESP8266 and ESP32 (outside of that one variant with a RISC-V core) all run Tensilica Diamond Standard 106Mirco and Tensilica Xtensa LX6 cores, respectively. No ESP variant so far has had an ARM core. Which is kainda neat, but not unheard of woth embedded microcontrollers. At least it is not yet another 8051.


Big mystery: why did I think, all along, that ESP32 was ARM? (Don't answer that.)

The ESP32­-C3 is a single-core RISC-V variant with 400kb SRAM. Not sure why I would pick the BL602 over that.

Datasheet: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/...

The BL602 does have an FPU, the ESP32-C3 doesn't appear to. But I imagine "more SRAM" is a bigger draw than an FPU for most use cases.

That a first grade reverse engineering work!

A work of this calibre, and quality level can cost easily $100k+ in the embedded world.

This comment confused me at first, but I think you're being complimentary?

If so, I think you'd want to use 'first rate' to mean something best in class. First grade is well, first grade(childish), at least in US English.

or "top grade"

Embedded world has low standards, then. :) For $100k+ I'd expect some working PoC FOSS code, based on the RE, not just a nice summary of looking around at code in Ghidra, and searching on Github.

Making a PoC is usually only the beginning. Firmware upgrades for microcontrollers may be difficult to do in the field, without UART and JTAG debugging. If clients expect that pretty demos will continue working, they might be quite disappointed. It's better to follow good design patterns (Active Objects, state machines [1]) from the start when possible.

dmitrygr is a legendary embedded hacker [2]: his Transcend WiFi SD card reverse-engineering is what led to me having a PQI Air Card in my pocket, and he's also written a bit-banged Bluetooth Low Energy driver. Great for a demo or when there's nothing else available, but far from a finished product.

Writing a MISRA-compliant BLE driver would make me MISRA BLE.

[1] https://embeddedgurus.com/state-space/2016/04/beyond-the-rto...

[2] http://dmitry.gr/?r=05.Projects

i enjoyed the pun. it wasnt missed

You underestimate the cost of a competent reverse engineer's time. eg: I charge $995/hour for such stuff (reverse engineering unknown chips/devices) and have no shortage of takers.

A large amount of initial RE work is research, such as this article. Not doing it costs you a lot more time later on.

Working code could easily be over 100 hours of work on an under-documented radio chip, so your cost estimate is too low for that

I know how much re costs in the amount of time spent. I've RE'd all kinds of things, and re-implemented in a better way, from weird payment terminals, camera sensors, to really weird eInk/SoC combos where a big manufacturer is bitbanging eInk protocol over data lines of LCD interface from memory patterns, USB bootloader protocols, software protection schemes... Pre-RE research is valuable, but that's just a start.

Anyway, at $200/h you can spend 500h making something work. ;)

Genuine curiosity, who is paying for that type of work? What is a typical use case? Where is the ROI? I'm not familiar with this world at all. I appreciate any insight!

Some companies want to know how their competitors do things.

Some companies want to find how someone would RE their devices, so they pay someone to find a way, then tell them.

Sometimes just a random person will want something REd so much that they'd pay for it to be done (happened more than once)

Sometimes no cause is given to me, which is fine because that is none of my business, really.

Sometimes I just do it for fun, but then I do not get paid, eg: http://dmitry.gr/?r=05.Projects&proj=30.%20Reverse%20Enginee...

Word to the Wise: Dmitry is legendary. His work is admired the world over.

Did you RE UART protocols?

Thank you for the reply.

> That’s actually the WiFi Supplicant for Rockchip RK3399, based on Linux!

> Are they really the same code?

> We compared the decompiled BL602 WiFi Supplicant code with the Rockchip RK3399 source code… They are nearly 100% identical!

Isn't that a GPL violation? Code should be available!

No, it only means that Rockchips (or one of their customers) ships a kernel with a a driver for a Marvell wireless devices (presumably now made by NXP), for which Marvell claims to own the copyright and gives permission under GPL.

Assuming that the license text is correct, Marvell or NXP would have been in their full rights to provide the same source code to some users under the GPLv2 for use in a Linux driver, and to other users under a different license.

Another possibility is that Marvell themselves licensed the supplicant code from someone else and replaced the copyright information when publishing it together with their driver.

Yeah, but I think this an avenue we should peruse. If by any chance they copied anything from rk3399-linux, the whole thing should be released under GPLv2.

Why does a WiFi chip have block of code dealing with an Infrared Remote Control? Was this chip originally designed for a STB?

As Huwyt_Nashi052 said, IR controllers are generally very flexible and allow for receiving/sending arbitrary low-to-medium frequency signals. BL602 is no exception with the software mode the controller provides, giving you access to raw pulse lengths; for example I use it as a pulse frequency counter to interpret a BLDC driver's "speedometer" line, and there are countless other applications like controlling an eInk display's common anode/cathode line.

I must have missed it in the article but a hardware peripheral for interfacing with IR remotes is common in microcontrollers and can be very versatile with the right configuration. It's often used for driving addressable RGB LEDs, for example.

I don't think the article talked about it directly, but there was a block right in the middle of the memory map for it.

Lots of SoCs start by licensing (or already having) an existing MCU or CPU core and adding a bunch more peripherals. They didn't need the die area, so they left the IR peripheral in.

Could also be that they figured somebody might want to make an IR to wifi bridge solution. Or maybe somebody might make some RGB light strip with both local IR control and app control via wifi or bluetooth? It does make sense and IR receiver is a very simple peripheral.

Funny, trying to visit that page crashes my mobile Firefox browser.

It works fine under Links (graphical).

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