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Launch HN: Evidently AI (YC S21) – Track and Debug ML Models in Production
111 points by elenasamuylova on July 7, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments
Hi HN, we are Elena and Emeli, co-founders of Evidently AI http://evidentlyai.com. We're building monitoring for machine learning models in production. The tool is open source and available on GitHub: https://github.com/evidentlyai/evidently. You can use it locally in a Jupyter notebook or in a Bash shell. There’s a video showing how it works in Jupyter here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPtTKYxm524.

Machine learning models can stop working as expected, often for non-obvious reasons. If this happens to a marketing personalization model, you might spam your customers by mistake. If this happens to credit scoring models, you might face legal and reputational risks. And so on. To catch issues with the model, it is not enough to just look at service metrics like latency. You have to track data quality, data drift (did the inputs change too much?), underperforming segments (does the model fail only for users in a certain region?), model metrics (accuracy, ROC AUC, mean error, etc.), and so on.

Emeli and I have been friends for many years. We first met when we both worked at Yandex (the company behind CatBoost and ClickHouse). We worked on creating ML systems for large enterprises. We then co-founded a startup focused on ML for manufacturing. Overall we've worked on more than 50 real-world ML projects, from e-commerce recommendations to steel production optimization. We faced the monitoring problem on our own when we put models in production and had to create and build custom dashboards. Emeli is also an ML instructor on Coursera (co-author of the most popular ML course in Russian) and a number of offline courses. She knows first-hand how many data scientists try to repeatedly implement the same things over and over. There is no reason why everyone should have to build their own version of something like drift detection.

We spent a couple of months talking to ML teams from different industries. We learned that there are no good, standard solutions for model monitoring. Some quoted us horror stories about broken models left unnoticed which led to $100K+ in losses. Others showed us home-grown dashboards and complained they are hard to maintain. Some said they simply have a recurring task to look at the logs once per month, and often catch the issues late. It is surprising how often models are not monitored until the first failure. We spoke to many teams who said that only after the first breakdown they started to think about monitoring. Some never do, and failures go undetected.

If you want to calculate a couple of performance metrics on top of your data, it is easy to do ad hoc. But if you want to have stable visibility into different models, you need to consider edge cases, choose the right statistical tests and implement them, design visuals, define thresholds for alerts etc. That is a harder problem that combines statistics and engineering. Beyond that, monitoring often involves sharing the results with different teams: from domain experts to developers. In practice, data scientists often end up sharing screenshots of their plots and sending files here and there. Building a maintainable software system that supports these workflows is a project in itself, and machine learning teams usually do not have time or resources for it.

Since there is no standard open-source solution, we decided to build one. We want to automate as much as possible to help people focus on the modeling work that matters, not boilerplate code.

Our main tool is an open-source Python library that generates interactive reports on ML model performance. To get it, you need to provide the model logs (input features, prediction, and ground truth if available) and reference data (usually from training). Then you choose the report type and we generate a set of dashboards. We have pre-built several reports to detect things like data drift, prediction drift, visualize performance metrics, and help understand where the model makes errors. We can display these in a Jupyter notebook or HTML. We can also generate a JSON profile instead of a report. You can then integrate this output with any external tool (like Grafana) and build a workflow you want to trigger retraining or alerts.

Under the hood, we perform the needed calculations (e.g. Kolmogorov Smirnov or Chi-Squared test to detect drift) and generate multiple interactive tables and plots (using Plotly on the backend). Right now it works with tabular data only. In the future, we plan to add more data types, reports and make it easier to customize metrics. Our goal is to make it dead easy to understand all aspects of model performance and monitor them.

We differ from other approaches in a couple of ways. There are end-to-end ML platforms on the market that include monitoring features. These work for teams who are ready to trade flexibility in order to have an all-in-one tool. But most teams we spoke to have custom needs and prefer to build their own platform from open components. We want to create a tool that does one thing well and is easy to integrate with whatever stack you use. There are also some proprietary ML monitoring solutions on the market, but we believe that tools like these should be open, transparent, and available for self-hosting. That is why we are building it as open source.

We launched under Apache 2.0 license so that everyone can use the tool. For now, our focus is to get adoption for the open-source project. We don’t plan to charge individual users or small teams. We believe that the open-source project should remain open and be highly valuable. Later on, we plan to make money by providing a hosted cloud version for teams that do not want to run it themselves. We're also considering an open-core business model where we charge for features that large companies care about like single sign-on, security and audits.

If you work in tech companies, you might think that many ML infra problems are already solved. But in more traditional industries like manufacturing, retail, finance, etc., ML is just hitting adoption. Their ML needs and environment are often very different due to legacy IT systems, regulations, and types of use cases they work with. Now that many move from ML proof-of-concept projects to production, they will need the tools to help run the models reliably.

We are super excited to share this early release, and we’d love if you could give it a try: https://github.com/evidentlyai/evidently. If you run models in production - let us know how you monitor them and if anything is missing. If you need some help to test the tool - happy to chat! We want to build this open-source project together with the community, so let us know if you have any thoughts or feedback.

Hey, Elena, Emeli, congrats with the launch! Question- am I right, that you don't "dictate" specific monitoring infrastructure? You provide a tool that can take a model and calculate/plot certain important characteristic about it( (e.g. drift)? Do you have a plan to make connectors, templates, some additional infrastructure to simplify integration with Grafana? What other monitoring infrastructure tools you consider integrating?

True, we do not want to force users into a rigid workflow. We build the tool so it can integrate with other parts of the ML stack. Right now you can for example use Evidently to calculate if the model has drifted, and then log the results in a JSON format, or take only some parts of the JSON (for example metrics you want) and then send them to an external dashboarding tool. As long as you can process a JSON output or store an HTML file you can build any workflow around that.

We plan to work on tutorials and prepare native integrations with some popular tools like Grafana, MLflow, DVC and some others.

Hi Evidently team, congratulations on the launch! I like a lot what you are doing. I work primarily with time-series data. I hope we will see in the future a module to handle time-series problems such as forecasting. Also, please include integration with Google Colab. My colleagues and I work extensively with it, and it is the platform that we use to test new libraries. Otherwise, keep with the great work!

Thanks - integration with Сolab is in the near-time roadmap. You can already use it to generate JSON profiles and export HTML reports. We are working now to make it possible to display all the interactive plots directly inside Сolab.

Longer term, we also plan to add more reports for specific problem types, as such time series or recommendation systems. Keep an eye on the repo!

Congratulatuions on launch! Models monitoring is really important and there is huge lack for tools to do this. How would you notify users (model owner) about potential problems? Are you going to use email notifications?

Does user need to manually set threshold when alarms should be triggered?

What to do if there is a data drift?

What is the most difficult to detect drift example that you see?

Thanks for the support!

For the moment the workflows you describe are built externally: - To set notifications you can send the output from Evidently to other tools like Grafana and then build a notification workflow around it. If you have a batch model, you can use some workflow manager (like Airflow, or simply a cron job) to schedule a monitoring job at every model run and then log the results or send an email report. - Thresholds are manual. We learnt that the model owners usually have to tune them anyways since the models are very different (a small deviation in one model is nothing, in another is a disaster). But we plan to add the ability to generate default thresholds as the tool grows.

We are working on native integrations and tutorials for MLflow and Grafana in the next couple of weeks.

When you detect data drift, there are usually 3 options: - Retrain the model if you can (if you can label the data, for example) - Limit the model application (for example, tune the classification threshold, or exclude certain segments) - Pause the model or use a fall-back strategy (e.g. human-in-the-loop decision making)

Drift detection is really non-trivial when you have a lot of data (it will often show "drift" just due to the volume). We know some users need a solution for this use case, and plan to add something here.

Another aspect is that you have to be aware of which features are important for the model to not get too many false alarms.

Would be cool to know if you see other tools in your stack you'd want to integrate with - we want to make Evidently very easy to plug in existing workflows. Let us know!

Thanks for the info, so can you please elaborate more on how are you access the prediction logs? Is there a specific log format? How do you know the model input schema?

Right now we ask the user to prepare the logs on their side (or schedule a job to push the logs to the tool). We learnt that most teams store the prediction logs anyways - since they are usually used for retraining. So we thought that is the simplest and most universal interface for integration for now.

The tool now works with tabular data. Depending on the report type you can include only the input features (e.g. for data drift report), or also add the prediction and target column to the table (e.g. for model performance report). So you might need to perform some basic transformations (e.g. to add the target column if this data comes later) to prepare the input.

To specify the schema, you need to configure a simple column mapping (basically show where the target or prediction columns are, and optionally specify which features are categorical and numerical).

You can check the requirements for each report in the documentation https://docs.evidentlyai.com/

To add to this, if the column_mapping is not provided we try to parse data automatically assuming that the schema is standard (e.g. you use the column names like "target" and "prediction") We also process the features based on pandas data type. In future to want to make it super easy to avoid writing extra configuration so we will try to parse as much as possible, but of course give the user the opportunity to override.

If the ground truth is unavailable in real time, are you still able to detect anomalies with the inputs?

We do not directly detect anomalies but we have two types of checks to run when there are no actuals or ground truth labels: 1) data drift to compare the statistical distribution of the input features to the past 2) prediction drift to compare the distribution of the model predictions to the past

To control the sensitivity of monitoring you can manually decide if you want to monitor all features, or maybe only the most important ones. This is not automated yet.

We also generate a few dashboards to show the relationship between the features and predicted values - to help with visual debugging.

We plan to add some unsupervised approaches like outlier detection later on. But for the moment we do not have checks on the level of individual objects in the data.

That will be very helpful, excited to contribute and see this growing, thanks for sharing.

Thanks! Looking forward to your contributions! <3

Amazing! Congrats on the launch. We are looking foward to use it!

how to obtain ground truth in production?

Depends on the use case and available instrumentation!

If the feedback is available almost instantly (e.g. you recommend something to a user based on a model prediction and you know if they clicked on it or not), you can log the user action in your data warehouse to have the ground truth easily available for further analysis. Then you run the performance reports on top of complete logs.

In other cases you might have to wait for the ground truth (e.g. you predict the demand for some future period and then wait for it to materialize, or you need to label the data first). In this case you can log the ground truth to the data warehouse once it becomes available and join with the prediction logs. You can then run complete performance monitoring with error analysis as a batch job. In the meantime, you can still monitor the data drift.

Could you describe a specific use case and environment? We can brainstorm how to best arrange it.

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