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Related to quality of life, I'll take cycling to work in a Nordic country over an American life with two cars and a huge dishwasher.

It sucks when you need to buy / move furniture though.

I really miss that side of the freedom in the US. It's also much easier to drive in the US due to the huge, straight roads.

> It sucks when you need to buy / move furniture though.

But isn't that an extremely rare event?

Maybe you move more than anyone I've ever known but I don't see how something so minor could meaningfully affect quality of life.

Yeah, this was always such a weird complaint. I'm sure that there are moving companies which will do that for you, or you can probably rent some truck and do it yourself if wanted.

I don't own a car but where I live (Gothenburg, Sweden), you can rent a car easy with an app: https://m.co/se/en-US/

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