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>having a functional uterus has no bearing on whether you're the one who is considering an abortion.

I'm not sure how you can make that statement seriously. The only situation where one might want or need to consider terminating a pregnancy is if you have a functional female reproductive system.

Each individual should make those decisions for themselves without a bunch of busybodies telling them what they should do with their own bodies.

As for potential fathers and medical professionals, their opinions may be useful to the person considering such a procedure, but it isn't their body and, as such, that's an advisory situation at most.

>And the other reply also interpreted you as saying men shouldn't comment on the issue and went uncorrected.

Which doesn't make a lot of sense, since I (as a male) was, in fact, commenting on the issue. Or did you miss that part?

People should absolutely be able to express their opinions.

However, when it comes to a specific person considering a specific procedure (whether that be a pregnancy termination, a haircut or removal of a hangnail), the decision necessarily should be that of the specific person involved, and the opinions of others aren't at all relevant.

That's my point. If you can and/or do become pregnant, then the decision whether to terminate or not is yours alone -- but only for your own body.

If you don't have a functional female reproductive system, such decisions are irrelevant to you. If you do have a functional female reproductive system, how that system is used (or not) is completely up to the individual involved and no one should have any decision making power over how another person's body is used.

Feel free to disagree with my position and make your opinions clear. But when it comes to a specific person making a specific decision about their own body, you have no say unless it's your body.

>I misunderstood, but I think you could have been clearer.

That's entirely likely. I tried to elucidate my point. If I failed to do so, my apologies. I attempted to do so again in this comment. I hope I was clearer this time.

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