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Developer Lorem Ipsum (developerloremipsum.com)
40 points by AndrewVos on July 16, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

I thought developer ipsum would be text and 'random code' in various languages

Yep, I was expecting something like:

class Lorem(val ipsum: Dolor) extends Sit {

  def amet(consectetur: Adipisicing) : Elit = sed.do((eiusmod: tempor) => incididunt)


I've heard a manager use one of the sentences here :-(

Small technical question, actually. How is this generated? I'm assuming Markov chains, but if you wrote it, more info would be appreciated!

P.S. Everyone who didn't do this already - refresh the page.

Looks more like a simple grammar to me. Fun.

[Determiner] [Noun] [Verb] [Preposition] [Determiner] [Noun].

"Simple" might be giving it a little too much credit.

I read it all.

If you start chanting it, it has a relaxing, self-hypnotic cadence to it, and afterwards you've found the solution to last week's bug.

Btw, do these statements have a hidden meaning: "Some HTML compiled up the SOAP." "A XP interpreted down the JavaScript."

And... I just refreshed the page.

Surely something more like:

   int lorem( char* ipsum, int  dolor )
      float amet = 0.0;

      for( int i = 0;  i < eiusmod;  ++i )
         int consectetur = adipisicing( amet );
         tempor[ i ] += elit;

      return sed * eiusmod;
(-- variable names in latin: there's something to win friends and influence people.)

Isn't the whole point of Lorem Ipsum to move the reader's attention away from the text? This text does precisely the opposite.

Something similar here, but command-line only and you need to give it sample input first, so not as useful: https://github.com/ppearson/paragen

Oh dreadful, it's like reading an Enterprise solution deployment whitepaper.

Lol. Was surprised to see kanban sprinkled in random places. Nice touch.

How about generating some powerpoint slides with this?

When I first thought of the idea I was seriously going to have my CV auto generated and see if any recruiters contacted me.

Nearly all the sentences have "some" in them.

Yeah, some more words for that function would be nice.

Some suggestions: specific, designated, compiled, selected, verified, established, elected, exclusive, assorted

Done! Thanks.

That is awesome!!

Am I the only person who expected something like that?

    #include <stdio.h>
    void main() {
        printf("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...");

Selected DSL rebased on verified evangelist. Established TFS time boxed up any SOLID. Any distributed interpreted until elected JSON. Verified debugger interpreted around verified evangelist. Designated SOLID debugged except a evangelist. A agile time boxed beside compiled XP. One distributed time boxed without verified distributed. Compiled SQL time boxed on established pomodoro. Selected DBA synergised after the iteration. Selected recursive time boxed before any SOAP. Designated DSL compiled below the XP.

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