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There are precisely 0 slavs alive today who trust their government or politicians. We've been fucked over by our own governments for going on nearly a century at this point, and there's no reality in which anyone other than the old and senile believes elections are anything other than a scam.

In Serbia's last elections, Vucic falsified COVID numbers on the days leading up to voting day so that his party could convince his voterbase, the elderly, to go out in droves to vote. After the election he stopped the reporting of false numbers and put the country into a lockdown because to no one's surprise, the numbers were sky high. There were massive protests because of the lockdown measures, where police brutality ran rampant, all on Vucic's orders. Expired tear gas was used on unarmed civilians protesting peacefully, cops in full riot gear were beating the crap out of unarmed protesters and chasing them down the streets. He goes around poorer regions of the country and bribes people with sandwiches and basic supplies like wheat and flower for a vote. His son is good friends with famous, high profile criminals, and Vucic himself was buddy-buddy with a bunch of the former guard, more than half of which either have been, or are currently standing trial for war crimes committed during the Yugo wars.

This list goes on and on, and similar things happen in most balkan and eastern european country. Nobody sane trusts a single thing these "people" do, and people definitely don't trust elections, so what ends up happening is that people just don't see the point in participating in an obvious scam. None of us actually believe we're living in a democracy, we're all aware it's a farcical facade that dictators put up.

I know several Russians who do trust their government and to a lesser extent their politicians. All claims are met with 'western propaganda' and 'it is the same in the west'. They even deny Soviet atrocities, claiming either that were either made up by the CIA or that they happened due to poor conditions from war, despite the fact they themselves were born in the USSR in the 70s. Don't be so sure that nobody believes the government, plenty do.

I doubt there are many Russians who trust current government, I live in Russia and can't recall anyone. Even kids today are mostly opposite to government due to huge information campaigns. Those who deny Soviets crime are mostly misinformed, like US citizens believing in little green men.

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