Base salary is a fraction of what cops earn. Indeed, it is a way to hide what they actually earn. Check this out:
Deputy Jason Wood is the sort of shitty cop that I would like to avoid based on his poor ratings from interactions with my community. He can be heard in this video repeatedly urging his dog to attack a suspect who was on his knees with his hands in the air. He subsequently got a DUI Deputy Jason Wood is still a Washoe County Sheriff's deputy today, and indeed has been promoted since those incidents. We paid him $242,000 in total compensation last year - plus we paid the guy in that video $17,500 for the mauling and beating.
He also shot a guy to death in 2014, but there was no video of that and police investigated themselves and determined that there was no wrongdoing.
If you want to do some naive math, $242k divided by 40hr/week divided by 52 weeks/year is $116/hr in total compensation.
Deputy Jason Wood is the sort of shitty cop that I would like to avoid based on his poor ratings from interactions with my community. He can be heard in this video repeatedly urging his dog to attack a suspect who was on his knees with his hands in the air. He subsequently got a DUI Deputy Jason Wood is still a Washoe County Sheriff's deputy today, and indeed has been promoted since those incidents. We paid him $242,000 in total compensation last year - plus we paid the guy in that video $17,500 for the mauling and beating.
He also shot a guy to death in 2014, but there was no video of that and police investigated themselves and determined that there was no wrongdoing.
If you want to do some naive math, $242k divided by 40hr/week divided by 52 weeks/year is $116/hr in total compensation.
Oh he got a second DUI this year too.